Android SDK

Android SDK

Google Inc.
Verzija 24.4.1
142.30 MB
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SDK lets you try your hand at creating mobile apps.

With Google’s new SDK, you can create your own app to run on the Android platform. It contains everything you need to start creating brand new app, just as you envisaged, as well as a device emulator for testing your app when finished. The Android SDK program provides you with a fast and reliable development environment.
Google has designed their Android SDK to be completely open and free from the source, and gives software developers a chance to experiment with the new platform. However, even non-developers can try out their skills with the emulator due to its simplicity. The program is seamlessly integrated with Google Maps and shows a lot of potential for the creation of apps that mix the boundaries between web-based and phone software.
There is a selection of phone resolutions and skins you can play around with too. You will have to play around with code to get the hang of installing software itself onto the emulator. The SDK is really something that only mobile developers will get the most use from. However, you are more than welcome to give it a shot yourself, and there is plenty of documentation available online to help you out.

Android SDK
Android SDK
Google Inc.
Verzija 24.4.1
142.30 MB
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