Google Earth Placemark File .kmz File Extension

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Šta je kmz datoteka i kako je otvoriti - Google Earth Placemark File

Kategorija datoteke:

A KMZ file contains locations for maps that are viewable using the Google Earth global mapping software, which provides a satellite and map view of the entire globe.
These files can include a range of information on a particular place, including a 3D representation of landmarks that have been exported from Google Sketchup or ArchiCAD.

kmz file - Software that can open kmz files

Ako želite da otvorite, izmenite, napravite, konvertujete, pokrenete, upotrebite ili pregledate kmz datoteku, odaberite program sa liste ispod. Programi su sortirani po popularnosti i relevantnosti za kmz tip datoteke.
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