Audible Enhanced Audio File .aax File Extension

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Šta je aax datoteka i kako je otvoriti - Audible Enhanced Audio File

Kategorija datoteke:

The AAX file format was created by Audible, for use with their range of audio books.
The file contains the bulk of the audiobook, including all of audio and any other information needed for the audiobook. This format is similar to the AA format, but with more functionality.

aax file - Software that can open aax files

Ako želite da otvorite, izmenite, napravite, konvertujete, pokrenete, upotrebite ili pregledate aax datoteku, odaberite program sa liste ispod. Programi su sortirani po popularnosti i relevantnosti za aax tip datoteke.
Ajtjuns - iTunes
Eplov stožerni softver za puštanje i arhiviranje medijskih fajlova
Poslednji put ažurirano 2023-08-07
35.6K preuzimanja