Football Manager 2020

Football Manager 2020

Sports Interactive
Verzija 20
68,359.38 MB
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Some people dream of getting out on the field and scoring some goals, but others have more management-related dreams. Introducing the brand new Football Manager 2020!

Having some more in-depth knowledge of the topic allows us to take the place of a football club manager and manage our club, our way! There is nothing more satisfying than carefully leading your club to victory and achieving your childhood dream of being a successful football club manager.

You need to know the know-how to prosper here, and every decision you think of counts! The advanced new game mechanics don’t predict anything at all. Nothing is scripted, and everything is left to the player. This allows you to create your very own organic football world, and drive it to world cup domination.

Other simulator games are predetermined, but this fantastic piece of gaming technology takes it a step further. Every single club has a deep story for you to explore. Watch your small club progress like never before, and enjoy every step of the way.

Once you think you’ve reached your peak is the moment where this game shines. There is no peak, just continuous advancement, refinement, and progression. This allows you to play this game for days on end, giving it a ton of replay value.

● Abundant control options, allowing you to micromanage down to the slightest detail
● Over 2500 different clubs at every level of the game
● Amazing management mechanics
● Improved immersion
● Deep routed storyline in each club
● Training pitch, game planning capabilities
● Ample settings
● Over 500,000 real players and staff to explore, interact with and recruit

There is no experience too complicated for this game – if handled by the right manager. So sit back, relax, and get your game on with Football Manager 2020.

Football Manager 2020 is available on Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android, Nintendo Switch, and Google Stadia (FM20).

Football Manager 2020
Football Manager 2020
Sports Interactive
Verzija 20
68,359.38 MB
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