Quick Heal Internet Security

Quick Heal Internet Security

Quick Heal Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Verzija 2011 9 64Bit
Besplatna probna verzija
0.53 MB
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Protect your computer from several common threats

Spyware, Trojan horses, viruses, and worms all present serious threats to your data. Quick Heal Internet Security protects you from those threats through a suite of tools designed to remove existing threats to your computer and stop incoming ones from causing you problems. There is an obligatory scan when you first download it, which serves to uncover existing threats. Once the scan is complete, you can choose how you want the software to handle them.

One of the biggest advantages of the software is that it is easy to use. Each of the tools is displayed on the left side of the app, and there are options for how you want to use each of them. You can easily run scans, adjust the status of certain features, view reports, and conduct several other operations. If you would like to set up the program to get updates automatically, you can do so. Alternatively, you can do that manually. While the program is fully functional and can be used on 64 bit systems, there are two drawbacks, which may be considerable depending on what you need. The first is that the installation process takes a long time, and the other is that the program tends to run rather slowly, though it doesn’t get stuck.

Quick Heal Internet Security
Quick Heal Internet Security
Quick Heal Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Verzija 2011 9 64Bit
Besplatna probna verzija
0.53 MB
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